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  • Writer's pictureAlex Laferriere

C.O.D.A. inc Chronicles

Chapter 1: part 1- New Beginnings

It was not easy, finding the secluded and easily overlooked 'annex' of Wynarn University. Most who walk the grounds of the prestigious institutes of Aundair may never have found, let alone bore witness, to this hidden consortium. Its presence mired behind the lush trees of the campus, set back among the evergreens, their thick roots providing wall and foundation to depths unseen. This humming academy of hidden research, liberated artifacts, and untold secrets is bridged to the main parts of campus, and the rest of the city for that matter, by faint, undisturbed, unassuming paths gently laying and meandering through these dense woods, the last of the undisturbed 'wilds' within the grand city of Fairhaven.

The Consortium Of Daring Adventurers! Incorporated. Or C.O.D.A. inc, as those within the know would know. The myriad of various folks that grace these grounds hail from what remains of the kingdom of Galifar, and even from the far reaches of the continent of Khorvaire. These adventurers, these sages and warriors alike, these Codas were summoned, were called, were chosen to contribute to the collective of things that are uncovered by rays of new days and dawns of deep nights for countless decades, if not centaries by some accounts. These details are best learned from those who've graced the grounds for more than the five minutes here so far and best left to the short description we're given in the letter pressed with a peculiar wax seal and penned by the headmaster Xander Cyeric Leofsige ir’Ædelstan.

"Congratulations! Your skills and unique background have been chosen. We are currently creating the next cohorts of Loreseekers within our consortium. This distinctive duty will brave uncharted wilds, face unspeakable dangers, and explore the realms of C.O.D.A. myths, legends and wondrous adventure! I wanted to welcome you firsthand, and look forward your cohort's evaluation within our challenge arena. Until then, may the winds carry you gently."

Lowering her letter, she looked about the grounds of C.O.D.A. inc, surprised that this place even existed at all, given that she has spent the better part of eight decades at Wynarn University. The tall, svelte, resigned elf would be rather unassuming, if not for the waist-length candy apple red hair, fair, gold-flecked skin and striking deep emerald eyes that flicker a faint kelly green as she dances her fingers above her letter.

"Yup, this is real." Qilynna thinks.

Her studies and history with the Feywild a common influence in her mind over the reality and presence of things in her life. Like the lands she hasn't graced in a century, they're so close, yet worlds away, and now, she finds herself in another distantly adjacent realm currently filled with equally bewildered and wondering folk that span the range of heritage, nationality, capability, and, to Qilynna, intellect.

Just as she finished sculpting these thoughts, they were disturbed and rocked like a vase on a pedestal, bumped precariously by an unobservant goblin with a black bob top cut. Almost impressive that this lady goblin even managed to miss the tall elf, given that the little creature wielded such wide and wild eyes. How could she miss the elf with the brightly colored hair?

The C.O.D.A. inc museum, and all its objects of wonder on display was in the eye of the grinning goblin. Clearly the attention stealing culprit, and sure enough, with a pull strong enough to peel the skulking gal away from the gathering crowd convening outside the walls of an impressive amphitheater. It's doors large enough for even an ogre to clear through without a problem. The crowd murmuring and trying its best to break the awkward silence between each other. The group gathered here were unlike the students she taught at Wynarn, comprised of folks that caught her eye, a dwarf with an eye patch, a large, thick man-creature who seemed to have rock or metal for skin, a hooded figure, trying to hide something but failing to cover her mouth full of protruded and pointed teeth, a stoic chocolate skinned man with shimmering, alloy face tattoos, long woven dreads with one arm resting in his monk robes like a sling, and countless other faces lost in the crowd.

She could have spent all afternoon people watching this group if not for the attention grabbing presence of a wee little woman with cotton ball white curls shuffled out of arena's doors at the stroke of 12, the ground's bells enveloping the weak, ice-breaking conversation of the group.

Without much din or clamor, the crowd watched this elderly lady present her tome and begin organizing the crowd.

"Yes, yes, you there, with them. Okay now, one, two, three, over there. These are the cohorts whom you will enter the arena with. You will put forth your best effort to overcome the challenges within. We wish you all the best! The first group will be, you- what is your name?"

The quaint book carrier searched her ledger as she addressed the group of four, bewildered at their new-found 'cohort'. The first to speak was Qilynna, ready to address the challenges within. The next stepped up and unhooded herself, the presence of gold radiating from her eyes, hands, and patches of golden scales scattered all over her body, all this contrasted by dark skin, shadowed red and a shock of light brown hair. The most striking feature beyond this were the obvious snaggle teeth, a penetrating toothy grin held the presence of quirky smile which holds a hidden truth not yet spoken.

"Qirla here. Ready... for... duty? I guess? Yes, I am!" said while brooming sticks of the short brown hair behind her ear and slightly deformed horn on her forehead.

The register checked her off, awaiting the next member in the cohort. An inky black skinned elf, taller than Qiylnna and the complete opposite in presentation. This bald figure, save for a tuft of white hair pulled in a ponytail, the crown of their smooth head adorn with tattoos that quite possibly could tell a story. Their regalia speaks of wealth and quality, shimmering and wavering with the air of quality and craftsmanship. Looking the first two ladies who spoke first up and down, the quiet and soft spoken figure stepped up to the elderly woman, elevated by the staircase, regaining an equal eye line to her and leaned in softly.

"Boa." in a quiet delivery.

Without flinching, missing a beat, or any air of intimidation, the name is checked and registered. "Right. And lastly?"

The gentleman ready for his turn, surveyed the crowd behind him, truly pondering their own stories and how they all arrived here. Despite the variety of people gathered here, he felt certainly out of place, and miles away from home. The look of his complex, tattoo gear was enough to cement these feelings in a world of active magic and amazing arcane infusions into daily life. He strode down the city roads that gleamed with everburning torches and phenomenal acts of prestidigitation- sidewalk stones that cleaned your shoes, or multi-colored stone combs that changed the color of ones hair for a silver coin. His world had its own marvels, but not quite like this world, and he welcomed the sense of adventure.

"The name's Bäsht."

"Bäsht, Bäsht, Bäsht... "

"Well, I have a letter." revealed from the sleeve his arm is slung in and he shows it to her and the crowd.

"This is quite odd. I can't seem to find your name here." she says while adjusting her thick round glasses on the tip of her aged nose. A small, innocent smile slicing her two thin lips.

"That makes sense for me. I'm... sort of an outsider here."

"Well, you still have a letter, which is quite fascinating. There is never been any mistaken or misplaced deliveries. I'm not quite sure what our protocol here is for such matters. I-"

"I'm sure I'll do just fine in there. Any objections?" he polled his new-found cohort.

They looked to him, to each other, then back to him, they saw no harm. This was the beginning of new things for them all.

The ledger keeper nodded. "Very well then! Make your way inside. Each cohort will find a challenge meant for them. C.O.D.A inc is in search of only the best fits here and want to bring out the best in our potential participants."

The cohort made their way up and into the large stone colosseum, carrying the words of the keeper in their minds. The grounds hummed with activity in the distance, for a 'new cohort of loreseekers' there certainly wasn't a welcome wagon. What is this consortium and why were we chosen?

The four of them peered past the parting massive wooden doors, and within the dimly lit room ahead stood four pedestals.


See the story created live here.

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